Hello Blog Followers,
Please follow me to a new site. http://thelordsdwellingplace.com. The blogspot blog has been a wonderful begining. I have accpeted the challenge to step it up a little and this is where you can find me. :) Thank you for sharing this blog with other cancer survivors. I pray that continues. People are still reading everyday which is quite humbling. I am moving in a new direction and hope that you follow me down a new trail!
Much Love,
Sheri Page
It's a Do Over!
I originally started to write on another blog http://thelordsdwellingplace.blogspot.com/ a couple of years ago, because I felt " called". Then, lo and behold within a month I found out that I had breast cancer. I continued to write-through the entire cancer process, from finding out about the cancer at a screening to a bilateral mastectomy and recovery from chemotherapy... I received an amazing amount of encouragement from friends and strangers who asked me to continue writing. I was finally convinced to keep going when I stumbled on a back screen on my old blog one day and found that thousands of people from all over the world had taken the cancer journey with me, through writing!
Eventually, I found myself at a writer's conference and realized that writing has a lot more to do with "marketability" then any of us realized! There is a need to have a "Platform" before a publishing company will consider someone as a serious author. You can write and it can be a great; However, you need to help sell books and the magazine articles or they will find a writer who can. Making a move to a WordPress gives credence to a writer. I'm not sure why or how just yet, but it does. So, here I am! New and improved blog? New and improved message? New and improved messy life? New and improved... fill in the blank here__________.
So, on this blog I most likely will not have exciting news about cancer. Let's hope I don't have any news at all about that topic. I will blog about dyeing to my selfishness needs and try my hardest to share Jesus with you from the events in my everyday life. I will share one very important conclusion about cancer with you though and then we can be done with it. I am glad for the gift of cancer. I am GLAD! I thank God often for allowing me the opportunity to really consider what is important in life. How many days do I really have and how can I best use them... what purpose can I make out of them?
Upon this consideration, many things had to change. I had to change the way I responded to offense. I had to change what I pursued and why I pursued it. I changed my mind about the things I thought I needed to control and people who disappointed me. I giggle when I think about how different everything is from my new short dark hair to the inner crevices of my heart and I am so grateful! I stood at the door or mortality and was forced to knock on it to see if it would open. It did not open. Whew!
It's a Do Over! A Second Chance and I say that with a smile! Come with me and explore life!